Auction Catalog

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The items in this basket could be the right step to a healthier life. Items included are four Body Sport Exercise Bands, a 30-day supply of Metagenics Wellness Essentials and two Gift of Health Certificates, one for you and one for a loved one. The recipient of the health coupon is entitled to a complimentary case history, exam and report finding.

Coupons Expire: 4-30-2018

The items in this basket could be the right step to a healthier life. Items included are four Body Sport Exercise Bands, a 30-day supply of Metagenics Wellness Essentials and two Gift of Health Certificates, one for you and one for a loved one. The recipient of the health coupon is entitled to a complimentary case history, exam and report finding.

Coupons Expire: 4-30-2018

The items in this basket could be the right step to a healthier life. Items included are four Body Sport Exercise Bands, a 30-day supply of Metagenics Wellness Essentials and two Gift of Health Certificates, one for you and one for a loved one. The recipient of the health coupon is entitled to a complimentary case history, exam and report finding.

Coupons Expire: 4-30-2018